Afrobeat Drill Music Hip Hop

Richman Ft Lucky Richie – Trust Issues(Fresh outta baddo EP)

Richman BigTunez teams up with Lucky Richie on their latest song tagged ” TRUST ISSUES”. This track was great mind-blowing banger.  M&M By Richman BigTunez. RichMan immersed himself dropping new hearable songs this year. He recently drop a music cover of the song ‘5 Star’ of Adekunle Gold.

Afrobeat Drill Music Gospel Hip Hop

Layjend Ft Lukson G&C(Rawa)

G & C (rawa) is a brand new song by LAYJEND featuring LUKSON to celebrate all the guidance and counseling student all over the world , the song also speaks on how counselors help to bring peace and love between members of the community…

Afrobeat Hip Hop News

I have finally made my decision from ‘CYPHRIST RYMZ’ to ‘BEARDMON CYPHER’

Beardmon Cypher wrote ‘I have finally made my decision it was hard for me though feels like starting afresh changing the name I’ve been using in stage for barely a decade wasn’t easy but I think it’s not a bad idea. From today been the 20th of September 2022 I change my stage name to Beardmon Cypher. Enjoy this throwback hit MAJOR FEELING from me featured by my gee RAS MAD

Afrobeat Drill Music Hip Hop

A6ixx-Fall (Hypeladysimi blog)

Garoo management presents a new inspiring and encouraging sound from A6IXX. Download and enjoy



Afrobeat Drill Music Hip Hop

Tovido – Omalicha (Hypeladysimi blog)

Afrobeat Drill Music Hip Hop

Frez- Looz – Gemini (Hypeladysimi blog)

Frey Looz has promised has dished out this song mixed with fusion of rap with love and vibes song. Download and listen.

Afrobeat Drill Music Hip Hop

Richman (Bigtunez) Ft Adekunle Gold – 5 Star Refix

After dropping several hits ‘RICHTUNEZ’ has dropped another hit song for the lovers of music.

Afrobeat Drill Music Hip Hop

Nino Inspirez – Sapa

BESTIE crooner ‘Nino Insoirez’ have dished out another banging and mind thrilling song ‘SAPA’ for all the lovers of music.

Drill Music Hip Hop


Fast rising artiste has featured ‘Kel Cypha’ on this thrilling hip hop/drilling tune pleasant to the eat. Download and share